Recently I've been working on a simple HTML5 canvas game. I came up with the idea after browsing through some arcade games that I used to play. One of them was Tyrian2000, its a classic space game where you have to destroy as many enemies as possible. After playing it for a while I thought it might be cool to create a game like that with a Star Trek theme. I recently watched Star Trek Enterpise(new series) so that subject was still fresh in my memory.
I created a simple TypeScript project and played with the canvas element a little bit. Everything worked out pretty well and after a short amount of time I created a space ship which could fly in a rolling space background. I tested everything on Internet Explorer and Chrome and had no problems at all, so I went on. After that I tried to run it inside a Cordova App and came to a shocking conclusion. The canvas performance is absolutely horrible in Android. I have a Nexus 10 tablet which runs on Android 5.0 and the canvas fps was super slow.
As I was determined to continue I started to research the problem on the Internet. Unfortunately it didn't get better. I found some solutions and performance tip and tricks but they didn't seem to workout miracles. The conclusion: use C++ for Mobile Game development. The hardware acceleration on the canvas element is very bad on mobile devices and your game will probably don't perform well on it.
So sadly I had to quit my quest for a Mobile game on HTML5 canvas, but I'm determined to continue. I'm currently researching some C++ game environments/libraries. I'm currently looking into: Cocos 2D and Marmalade
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
DB2 calling a stored procedure in a loop
Hi there folks, it has been a while, my apologies. I recently started some database work on SQL Server and DB2. I had some difficulties with DB2 since I have very few experience with it. I tried to execute a stored procedure in a loop. I managed to do it on SQL Server using a cursor but the lack of documentation for DB2 exacerbates the problem. I hope to help the internet with some code examples, feel free to use them.
SQL Server:
SQL Server:
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Combo breaker: Cordova + JQM + Windows8
This blog post is about issues you probably come across while you're creating a Windows 8.1(not phone) hybrid app with Cordova. First of all let me set some context variables. I use Cordova 3.4, jQuery Mobile 1.4.0, jQuery 2.0.2 and i'm creating a Windows 8.1 app for a desktop or tablet environment. I've already created the app for Android 2.3 or higher, and iOS 6 or higher.
I'll try to explain the whole process step by step. If you have any questions feel free to reply.
1. Update Cordova and its plugins
If you want to support Windows 8 you have to update to the newest version of Cordova. You can simply update Cordova using the following commands:
2. Add Windows 8 platform
Use the Visual Studio Command prompt(VS2012 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt) to build a Windows 8 platform. This is needed because Cordova uses Visual Studio's build tools to create your Windows 8 app.
Open your solution in Visual Studio after you've build with Cordova. Try to run your App on your Local Machine. You might get some JavaScript errors but that depends on whether or not you've added a platform to an existing project. In my case, I've already created an App with thousands of lines of JavaScript. That JavaScript needs to be compatible with the new Internet Explorer and WinJS environment. You probaly run into some issues, this is what I ran into:
Usage of unsafe HTML elements and attributes.
Invalid use of dynamic content using jQuery Mobile.
One of the most difficult problems is the dynamic content issue that is caused by jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile uses AJAX navigation to switch between pages, this means that the content of the new page is injected in the old page. Therefore you don't have to add all JavaScript references to all pages. This works great, however it causes the following issue in Windows 8:
The exception is thrown on the appendChild of jQuery. appendChild adds the HTML from the new page to the old page. However, the new page contains, in my case, some unsafe HTML. I use for attributes on label elements. This causes the error because the for attribute is considered unsafe. I haven't found a solid fix yet and therefore I present my workaround.
You can add unsafe HTML in WinJS but you have to wrap the call in a MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction. This will prevent WinJS from throwing an error when unsafe HTML gets added to the DOM. Unfortunately appendChild isn't the only place that throws errors when jQuery Mobile switches between pages that contain unsafe HTML. You should wrap the domManip function in a execUnsafeLocalFunction. Look at the following code:
Invalid objects XML Document.
My App which handles large amounts of business data uses SOAP to communicate with the back-end. The XML response from the back-end is without any conversion used a data source in the App. The XML gets stored in a so called reader object which can extract the rows and columns from the XML, this worked fine until Windows 8 came around the corner.
The XML documents become invalid after a certain amount of time. You can't do anything about it, even caching the requests or documents them self don't solve the problem, it only delays the problem. All calls to a XML document that has become invalid throw an "Invalid calling object" error.
One solution to this problem is converting your XML document to JavaScript Objects. This may hurt your performance but the lifetime of JavaScript objects is in your hand and not in Microsoft's.
5. Test App
You have to test your App if you want to upload it to the Windows Store. This test can be done after you've created the app package. A package can be created by: right-clicking on your project > Store > Create App Packages. After the package is created Windows will prompt you with a dialog to start the Windows App Certification Kit. Run all tests and see if the test fails. Don't interact with your system while the kit is running its tests. It may influence the test results, yes I tried it :) And grab a cup of coffee because it takes several minutes...
My App failed because the encoding of the JavaScript and CSS files were incorrect. They need to be UTF-8 encoded. I searched the web for a simple PowerShell script to encode the files correctly, and modified the script to be recursive and look for CSS and JavaScript files.
Make sure that you run the PowerShell script in the platform\windows8 folder. It will screw up your project if you run it in the project folder. Here is the script:
6. Deploy the App
With the build comes a PowerShell script to deploy your App locally. Note that this script installs the certificate that is selected in the appxmanifest. This can be a security risk, since you probably don't store your key in a (Software) vault. The PowerShell script can be found in the AppPackages folder in the Visual Studio's project folder.
I haven't deployed my App to the Windows Store yet. I'll add a description to this blogpost when I have.
I'll try to explain the whole process step by step. If you have any questions feel free to reply.
1. Update Cordova and its plugins
If you want to support Windows 8 you have to update to the newest version of Cordova. You can simply update Cordova using the following commands:
> npm update -g cordova
Or if you want a specific version:
> npm update -g cordova@3.4.0Update the plugins after you've updated Cordova. Just re-add the plugins and they will be updated to the newest version. For more information please visit the Cordova manual.
2. Add Windows 8 platform
Add the Windows 8 platform to your Cordova project. Use the following command:
> cordova add platform windows83. Try building your project
Use the Visual Studio Command prompt(VS2012 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt) to build a Windows 8 platform. This is needed because Cordova uses Visual Studio's build tools to create your Windows 8 app.
> cordova build windows84. Try running your App
Open your solution in Visual Studio after you've build with Cordova. Try to run your App on your Local Machine. You might get some JavaScript errors but that depends on whether or not you've added a platform to an existing project. In my case, I've already created an App with thousands of lines of JavaScript. That JavaScript needs to be compatible with the new Internet Explorer and WinJS environment. You probaly run into some issues, this is what I ran into:
Usage of unsafe HTML elements and attributes.
HTML thats get injected into your page needs to be filtered by the toStaticHTML method. This method sanitizes your HTML and strips all unsafe elements and attributes. The list of unsafe elements and attributes can be found here. Does this mean that you can't inject an image element with a source attribute? No it doesn't, you can add it but you can't inject strings with unsanitized HTML. You should add HTML elements with unsafe elements in the following way:
/* Old way */ h1Element.prepend("<img src='someUrl.png' />"); /* New way */ var img = document.createElement("img"); img.className = "icon"; img.src = "someUrl.png" h1Element.prepend(img);
Invalid use of dynamic content using jQuery Mobile.
One of the most difficult problems is the dynamic content issue that is caused by jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile uses AJAX navigation to switch between pages, this means that the content of the new page is injected in the old page. Therefore you don't have to add all JavaScript references to all pages. This works great, however it causes the following issue in Windows 8:
Unhandled exception at line 5472, column 5 in ms-appx://<app identifier>/www/js/jquery/jquery-2.0.2.js 0x800c001c - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to add dynamic content. A script attempted to inject dynamic content, or elements previously modified dynamically, that might be unsafe. For example, using the innerHTML property to add script or malformed HTML will generate this exception. Use the toStaticHTML method to filter dynamic content, or explicitly create elements and attributes with a method such as createElement. For more information, see If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
The exception is thrown on the appendChild of jQuery. appendChild adds the HTML from the new page to the old page. However, the new page contains, in my case, some unsafe HTML. I use for attributes on label elements. This causes the error because the for attribute is considered unsafe. I haven't found a solid fix yet and therefore I present my workaround.
You can add unsafe HTML in WinJS but you have to wrap the call in a MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction. This will prevent WinJS from throwing an error when unsafe HTML gets added to the DOM. Unfortunately appendChild isn't the only place that throws errors when jQuery Mobile switches between pages that contain unsafe HTML. You should wrap the domManip function in a execUnsafeLocalFunction. Look at the following code:
// Check if the userAgent is Microsoft Internet Explorer // This doesn't work in Internet Explorer but only in Windows 8 (Metro) apps. if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // Cache the old domManip function. jQuery.fn.oldDomManIp = jQuery.fn.domManip; // Override the domManip function with a call to the cached domManip function wrapped in a MSapp.execUnsafeLocalFunction call. jQuery.fn.domManip = function (args, callback, allowIntersection) { var that = this; return MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return that.oldDomManIp(args, callback, allowIntersection); }); }; }
My App which handles large amounts of business data uses SOAP to communicate with the back-end. The XML response from the back-end is without any conversion used a data source in the App. The XML gets stored in a so called reader object which can extract the rows and columns from the XML, this worked fine until Windows 8 came around the corner.
The XML documents become invalid after a certain amount of time. You can't do anything about it, even caching the requests or documents them self don't solve the problem, it only delays the problem. All calls to a XML document that has become invalid throw an "Invalid calling object" error.
One solution to this problem is converting your XML document to JavaScript Objects. This may hurt your performance but the lifetime of JavaScript objects is in your hand and not in Microsoft's.
5. Test App
You have to test your App if you want to upload it to the Windows Store. This test can be done after you've created the app package. A package can be created by: right-clicking on your project > Store > Create App Packages. After the package is created Windows will prompt you with a dialog to start the Windows App Certification Kit. Run all tests and see if the test fails. Don't interact with your system while the kit is running its tests. It may influence the test results, yes I tried it :) And grab a cup of coffee because it takes several minutes...
My App failed because the encoding of the JavaScript and CSS files were incorrect. They need to be UTF-8 encoded. I searched the web for a simple PowerShell script to encode the files correctly, and modified the script to be recursive and look for CSS and JavaScript files.
Make sure that you run the PowerShell script in the platform\windows8 folder. It will screw up your project if you run it in the project folder. Here is the script:
Get-ChildItem .\* -include *.js,*.css -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $content = $_ | Get-Content Set-Content -PassThru $_.Fullname $content -Encoding UTF8 -Force }
6. Deploy the App
With the build comes a PowerShell script to deploy your App locally. Note that this script installs the certificate that is selected in the appxmanifest. This can be a security risk, since you probably don't store your key in a (Software) vault. The PowerShell script can be found in the AppPackages folder in the Visual Studio's project folder.
I haven't deployed my App to the Windows Store yet. I'll add a description to this blogpost when I have.
Cordova command line interface:
Windows 8 unsafe HTML:
Windows 8 unsafe HTML:
Friday, January 17, 2014
TypeScript will you marry me?
Building web front-ends with HTML, CSS and JavaScript is a piece of cake for the common web developer. However when the applications get richer and bigger, like for instance a HTML 5 canvas game or an hybrid mobile app it gets tougher. I personally find it hard to organize and structure my JavaScript. Object orientated programming is really a struggle with JavaScript, isn't it?
No it isn't! You know why? Because there is TypeScript. What is TypeScript? According to
"TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source."
I use it for almost every big JavaScript project. It helps me with type issues, organizing code and maintainability. You should really give it a try!
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